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Dec 14, 2012

New beginnings?

Since Blake is taking a nap, I decided to re-do my layout a little bit. I wanted something more mature and exciting. I feel like my blog is so boring, but no one reads it anyway.

I decided to go on birth control again, and just like before, it's making me mean and impatient. The reason I decided to go back on it again is because I had a pregnancy scare. The condom broke completely! I was in complete stress & anxiety until I finally started my period. I have never been so excited to start my period before. Sorry if that's too blunt, but I could of shouted it from the roof tops!

It's been a bad one this week though. I feel like I can smell everything, and thoughts of certain foods make me sick. I'll be glad when it's over with. I am gonna stop taking the last week of my birth control so that it will stop me from having a period completely. My best friend & my aunt do the same thing. I talked to my aunt about it, to make sure I'd still be protected. I have a check up Dec. 26 (ugh) and I'll talk to them about it as well.

Rob gave me my Christmas present early (the day after Thanksgiving). A galaxy s3! I absoultely love it! It took me a few days to get used to the touch screen. I'm still a little slow at texting, but I'm getting better each day. I ordered a case for it off of amazon, but it's taking forever to get here. Probably because it's coming from Hong Kong.

We also ordered Blake this adorable hat. It's been getting cold here (in the 30's) lately. My aunt also got him another hat simiular to that, but it's a blue bear I think. We need to buy him a winter coat, but are having no luck in finding him any!

There's this website on facebook that is pretty much a rummage sale. We ended up getting him some clothes since he's gonna be in 6-9 months very soon! They are all in great condition and super cute. I've sold a few things on there myself. The only thing I hate about it is when you have to meet with multiple people in one day! 

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