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Nov 26, 2012

My five month postpartum update & Thanksgiving.

I am still struggling with my weight. I stay around 106-108 pounds. That is my fault though, I am addicted to bad food. I'm not depressed about my body per say though. I'm pretty much just content with it and I have faith in myself that one day (hopefully soon) I will drop these last 10 pounds.

Btw, I haven't wore those jeans since before I was pregnant. I have a pair of jeans that my friend Tara gave me from Hollister with holes in them, which Rob's grandma hemed up for me and we need to go pick them up today. I'm soooo excited to try them on! They are a size 3 (so are the one's in the picture) so I hope they fit just as good.

Now on to my Thanksgiving...

Me and Rob had plans with both of our families, so we went to my mom's first, ate, drew names for our Christmas present drawing (does anyone elses family do that?) and then headed back to Mt. Vernon. We stopped by the apartment and I went over my hair (I am re-obsessed with my curl wand!!) and headed to his grandma Kaye's. We stayed there for an hour or so. We left Blake with Rob's parents and decided to go to Black Friday. Blake stayed the night at Rob's parents so we didn't have to take him with us. When we got there we saw that the phones don't go on sale until 5AM so we went home and napped until 2AM and headed back up there.

We waited in line for an hour or so, but only got one phone because with the fee it was over $500 and Rob only have 400 something. He let me have it, of course, but he was pretty upset that he couldn't get the phone he's been wanting for months which made me feel like shit. I am truely greatful though!! Best Christmas present ever (:

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!

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